our classes

Elizabeth Williams, experienced doula, offering Hypnobirthing and Birth Naturally classes in Orange County



Imagine if you had YOUR best birthing experience, the birth your heart, body, and soul long for. Imagine if you felt empowered, confident, and excited as you approached your birthing day. Imagine if you conquered and overcame each and every single one of your fears, worries, and doubts. Imagine if you felt comfortable and relaxed during your birthing experience.

Let’s turn these imaginations into reality.

Let’s work together to achieve YOUR best and ideal birth.


Pregnant couple attending Hypnobirthing class with a faith-focused doula in Orange County, CA

the benefits

HypnoBirthing® is a tried and proven technique that guides and prepares a woman to give birth peacefully. Techniques that can be used during labor and birth at any birthing location: home, hospital, or at a birth center. The HypnoBirthing® program includes changing your mindset, special breathing techniques, relaxation, visualizations, and so much more!

Check out the curriculum list below on what you can expect to learn in the 5-week series.

    • Reduces risk of pelvic floor damage

    • Fewer cases of pre-eclampsia/dehydration

    • Fewer interventions and surgical births

    • Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM

    • Shortens the first and second stages of labor by several hours & allows the birthing mother to utilize the natural pulsations of her body to breathe her baby down to the crowning stage, rather than pushing for long, exhausting periods of time

    • Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies

    • Lessened or eliminated need for epidural, episiotomy, & other interventions

    • Happier & content mothers & babies

    • Babies born alert; able to nurse almost immediately

    • No cases of postpartum depression reported

    • Infants with higher than average APGAR scores

    • Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome before, during, & after birth

    • Lessens fatigue during labor, leaving the mother, fresh, awake, & energized as she births her baby

the 5 week curriculum

week one

setting the stage

    • Building a positive expectancy

    • Philosophy & beginnings of HypnoBirthing

    • History of birthing

    • How the uterus works in birthing

    • What's wrong with labor

    • How fear affects labor

    • What causes pain in labor

    • How to release fear

    • The power of the mind

    • & More

week two

Falling in love with your body

    • Pre-birth parenting, preparing your mind & body

    • Pre-birth, perinatal, & postpartum bonding

    • Background of fetology studies

    • Selecting care providers

    • Preparing the mind for birth

    • Hypnosis deepening & visualization

    • Releasing fear

    • & More

week three

Visualization & Deepening

    • Labor & birthing visualizations & deepening

    • Turning breech-presented babies

    • Looking at the "estimated due date"

    • Avoiding artificial induction

    • Preparing birth preference sheets

    • How the body prepares for birth

    • Initiating labor naturally

    • & More

week four

Overview & Summary of Childbirth

    • Pre-labor warm up surges

    • The onset of Labor

    • Birth companion's support role

    • Thinning & opening phase

    • Labor slows or rests

    • Misconceptions about labor

    • Birth companion advocates for mother & baby

    • Hallmarks as labor advances

    • & More

week five

Birthing, Bonding, Breastfeeding, & Postpartum

    • Nearing completion

    • Optimal positioning for baby in labor & birth

    • Positions during labor, descent, & birthing

    • Birthing phase, descent, birth breathing

    • Birth's perfect design

    • How to maximize your breath during labor

    • Comfort measures

    • & More

frequently asked

  • Yes! They are encouraged to come to as many classes as possible and the price includes a spot for both you and 1 birth support person (your partner, friend, parent, etc. The person who will be supporting you in birth)

  • If you are looking at the class schedule and notice that a date might conflict with your calendar, please email me. There is a solution to everything! And I usually always find a way to make a class up for a couple. Or, maybe it's a last minute thing and you can't attend in person for some reason - I offer live virtual classes via Zoom for these circumstances.

  • Some mamas like starting early and having all of the information as early as possible to practice, plan, and prepare as early as possible and some mamas like to have the information closer to birthing time. My classes range from women who are 15 weeks all the way to 35 weeks. My biggest ecommendation is to try and set it up so that you are ending the series before 38 weeks. I do find that mamas who start later wish they would have started sooner but it's better "late" than never.

  • No - A lot of people misunderstand what Hypnobirthing is and what it entails and I totally understand because I was actually skeptical myself. The guided relaxations that we listen to are visualizations, guided imagery, and guided breathing. With Hypnobirthing, the goal is to help mamas get into a very, deeply relaxed state to allow the body

Upcoming Classes

Classes taught by Elizabeth Williams, Founder, Birth Doula, & Childbirth Educator

Space is Limited!

    • 4 Saturdays 10am-1pm

    • Held at Calahan Family Chiropractic

    • Location: 25255 Cabot Rd Suite 101, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

  • Summer dates will be released soon. Email info@anointedbirths.com if you’re interested.

  • Summer dates will be released soon. Email info@anointedbirths.com if you’re interested.

“Imagine if our culture told us that birth was one of the greatest things a woman might ever do. Imagine if the stories and images we were exposed to taught us that labor is an incredible and transformational experience, a rite of passage into motherhood.”

Leonie MacDonald

Doula Elizabeth Williams holding a cervical dilation board, teaching natural birth techniques in her Birth Naturally class

the born naturally


A Comprehensive Childbirth Series for a Natural Birthing Experience

Here at Anointed Births, one of our biggest goals is to lower the unnecessary intervention rates in Southern CA. As experienced doulas and birthing mothers, we developed this course with the intention of offering a comprehensive guide for women and their birthing companions as they embark on their journey in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

regnant woman at maternity photoshoot in San Diego California


Empower couples by equipping them with knowledge and support through each phase of this transformative process. We firmly believe in honoring a woman’s innate ability to birth naturally, respecting the divine design of the female body. By sharing evidence-based information, practical tools, spiritual encouragement, and our experiences as doulas, we aim to nurture confidence and autonomy in every woman as she prepares for childbirth and motherhood.


the 4 week curriculum



    • Establishing your “Why”

    • What to expect with your provider throughout pregnancy

    • Selecting the right healthcare provider & birthing location

    • What is informed decision making, Why it is important, How to make informed decisions

    • Understanding the stages of pregnancy

    • Pregnancy Intervention

    • Baby Positioning

    • Nutrition & exercise to support natural birth

labor + birth

bringing baby into this world

    • Overview of natural childbirth philosophy and stages of labor

    • Benefits of natural childbirth

    • Creating a birth plan

    • Creating a supportive birth environment

    • Partner involvement & support

    • How to communicate with healthcare providers & birthing team

    • How to advocate for your birth choices

    • Birth hormones & how to use them to your advantage

    • Signs that show progress

    • Comfort measures

    • Breathing exercises

    • Relaxation Techniques

    • Positions and movement for labor & birth

    • How fear affects labor & how to release it

    • Handling unexpected situations


heal yourself & nurture your baby

    • Birth of the placenta

    • Postpartum intervention

    • Newborn interventions

    • Vaginal tearing & healing

    • Postpartum: What to expect

    • Postpartum recovery & care

Elizabeth Williams teaching a group of expecting parents in her Hypnobirthing class in Orange County


  • Learn how to have a natural birth with confidence.

  • Learn how to avoid unnecessary interventions

  • Learn about your options for various circumstances.

  • Learn how to approach every circumstance with ease.

  • Learn how to make informed decisions

  • Learn how to support the birthing mama with complete confidence.

Upcoming Classes

Classes taught by Danielle DeRose, Birth and Postpartum Doula and Childbirth Educator

Space is Limited!

    • Thursdays 6pm-8pm

    • Held at Daisy Co in Santa Ana

    • Location: Daisy Co: 12341 Newport Ave. #C-100, Santa Ana, CA 92705

    • Tuesdays 6pm-8pm

    • Held at Gold Soul Midwifery in La Mirada

    • Gold Soul Midwifery: 15084 Rosecrans Ave., La Mirada, CA 90638

    • Spiral Workbook

    • Evidence Based Articles

    • 1 spot for the birthing mama

    • 1 Spot For The Birth companion

  • “Danielle did a wonderful job with the first round of teaching the anointed birth series.

    It was informative, inviting and allowed both parents/birth partners to be curious about the birthing process and discover what their shared goals can be. My husband and I feel more empowered to advocate for the birth experience we’re praying for.”

  • "Elizabeth is incredible!

    When my husband and I found out we were pregnant, we were wide eyed and bushy tailed and needed a lot of guidance. From pregnancy, birth, baby, and postpartum, this was a whole new world for us and I felt very unprepared. We took the hypnobirthing class with Elizabeth and loved every minute of it. We learned so much but the most valuable takeaways were the mental resilience I felt going into birth, the breathing and visionary techniques that helped me during birth, and walking through pregnancy with other moms in the group. I had a smooth and very successful home water birth and have never felt more prepared to take on motherhood.” - Jessica

  • "I can’t give enough praise for Elizabeth and her team of doulas.

    I highly recommend Anointed Births for anyone expecting, it’s a must to have her on your team. The class was welcoming, informative and empowering. It teaches you to lean into your pregnancy and birth, connect with your baby and dissolve the fear surrounding your birth. Her class, support and information is priceless. I was planning on having an unmedicated birth at a hospital but ended up having my daughter at home. The unwavering support from Elizabeth was unmatched. I can’t imagine doing it any other way. We love you!” - Terra

  • “This was an amazing experience & I have & will recommend Anointed birth to all my friends & family.

    I cannot recommend this birthing class highly enough! From start to finish, it exceeded all of my expectations. Elizabeth was not only incredibly knowledgeable, but also compassionate, patient, and truly committed to making sure every couple felt prepared and empowered for the birth experience. She broke down complex information into simple, easy-to-understand concepts, and were always open to answering questions or addressing concerns.” - K.M.

  • “Highly recommend Anointed Births if you’re looking into doula services for your pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum!

    Danielle has been such a gift for my husband and I throughout the third trimester, our labor and delivery that did not go how we had hoped, and the first couple of weeks postpartum. While our labor and delivery didn’t go as expected and had a lot of bumps along the way, we couldn’t have done it without Danielle. She made the environment feel so peaceful through the chaotic moments. She was an advocate for me and my husband. She has helped me through all the wild emotions of postpartum and has answered all the questions I’ve thrown her way. I could go on and on but all to say - Danielle and Anointed Births will always hold a special place in our hearts and I would recommend 100 times over!” - M’Lynn

  • "I took the 5 week Hypnobirthing course with Elizabeth and I HIGHLY recommend...

    this course for any mom with an upcoming birth. No matter whether it’s your 1st or 5th, or if you’re giving birth in a hospital or at home, epidural or no, this course is relevant and informative, and the community of women here is so wholesome! I wished the class was longer just for the conversation and sharing the excitement of meeting our babies soon! Elizabeth is so kind and extremely knowledgeable. I love the mindset geared towards natural childbirth and avoiding interventions. We did so much mental preparation and learned strategies to help get us through labor to provide a gentle, natural entrance into this world for our babies. I’m so excited to put these strategies to use very soon!” - Veronica

  • "Anointed Birth is amazing.

    My doula recommend I sign up for Elizabeth's hypnobirthing class and I'm so happy we did. Elizabeth made the class fun, education, relaxed and inspiring. I learned so much from it! I love listening to the affirmations, relaxation meditations we were given. Elizabeth is one of the sweetest people we've met on my pregnancy journey. She is available for any and all questions. We made some friends in class too. I highly recommend anointed birth for their amazing doulas and classes. They are a caring group who know all things about pregnancy, birth and supporting parents. Grateful to have been apart of the class!” - Mari

  • "We took Elizabeth's Hypnobirthing class before having our 2nd baby and had such a good experience and learned so much.

    The tools and information we learned helped us have a smooth unmediated birth with midwives at the hospital - the breath work especially and practice she teaches was helpful and made for a pain free labor. So grateful for the work she does and helping the birth community feel empowered.” - Maegen

  • "I had no idea how much I would enjoy the class.

    Elizabeth is such a genuine kind and knowledgable person who is very good at creating a comfortable and educational teaching environment. Super informative I learned a ton. Class was never awkward and in the end I found myself wishing there were at least a couple more classes. made acquaintances with some great people in class. Elizabeth, you did an amazing job! Much gratitude to you. Very blessed we found your class. Thank you!” - Richard

  • “As a husband, taking this class with my wife, who is 7 months pregnant, has been a great experience.

    We have two older children and wish that we could have taken a class like this prior to their births. Not only does Elizabeth make everyone feel comfortable with natural birthing, she also gives everyone the tools they need to reduce stress during labor and ensure a successful natural birth. We highly recommend taking this class for any couples looking to do a natural birth.” - Michael